
Good luck to the TAKS testers today! (and the rest of the week!) We miss you! The good thing is that out of all the days to miss, this is probably the easiest week to make up on your own. Yes, you will have some make up work, but it’s all pretty easy.

Today, we talked about Jersey Shore and why people were upset with it. We watched a clip and tried to identify offensive stereotypes that the show promotes about Italians and people with Italian ancestry.

Then, I had you choose an article about the Jersey Shore (there are six to choose from) and answer the following questions on a Word document.

Jersey ShoreDrop that like it’s hot, and then I gave you the rest of the class period to finish your Marrow essay (Carpe Diem or YOLO).

Progress Report grades are due today, so the grade that is in Gradespeed will be the grade that is printed (and what Ekster and Gras see!).