
Today was another day of editing. We are getting closer and closer to having a final copy, but some of you need to get caught up!

So far, we have done:

  • HIGHLIGHTING – you were supposed to highlight TALKING, THINKING, SEEING, DOING.11
  • REVISING for DETAILS – you were supposed to add talking, thinking, seeing, and doing to your paper and make sure you had at least 300 words.
  • BE verbs – you need to find all instances of BE verbs (make sure you include contractions), and write down how many instances appear in your paper and REPLACE 1/2 of them with action verbs

There are drop boxes for each of them.

Today, we worked on Introductions: you’ll need to write three different introductions. Look at the examples in BB. Turn in your three introductions to the Drop Box and choose the BEST one to use as your intro. If you want, you can use the other introductions in your essay if you find a place for them.

Lastly, we worked on sentence variety. In the folder, there are 11 sentence types. Make sure you have one of each sentence type in your essay. If you don’t REVISE a sentence so that you do. Drop this changed copy in BB.


A few notes:

  • I have entered zeros for that Beowulf Persuasive Essay. If you freak out because your grade has gone down, this is why.
  • I am showing the entire movie of Excalibur after school today if you want to watch it.
  • I managed to get you a coupon for seeing the Magna Carta. You (and anyone who attends with you) can get in for &15 instead of $25 dollars. Plan on the event being crowded and be prepared to wait in lots of lines. Most people buy a ticket to see the Magna Carta and then explore the rest of the museum. Spring Break is coming up, so this would be a great day trip adventure!

We started out the day by watching a snippet from Excalibur where Arthur pulls the sword from the stone and claimed his throne.

Then, we read pages 39-54, which really show Arthur making more mistakes than good leadership, but I think he learns from a few his mistakes. At least i HOPE he does.

Then, we ended the day by watching another clip from Excalibur that shows Arthur battling Pellinore, breaking the Sword from the Stone, and how he gets Excalibur (the movie changes a few of those details, but you get the main idea).

I’m going to copy/paste the words for the Middle Aged Spiders here, so you can finish it on your own time.


  • hierarchy
  • vassal
  • chivalry
  • social codes


  • social codes
  • rules of warfare
  • idealized attitude
  • courtly love


  • political rights
  • social status
  • subservient
  • temporary powers

New City Classes

  • Feudal System/City Classes
  • Population
  • Merchant class
  • People’s Art


  • Series of wars
  • Christians versus Muslims
  • Jerusalem/Holy Land
  • Benefits

Thomas Becket

  • murder/assassination
  • backlash
  • cultural unity
  • martyr

100 Years War

  • national consciousness
  • yeoman
  • landowners
  • feudalism/chivalry

Magna Carta

  • democracy
  • aristocrats
  • church
  • law

Black Death

  • rats
  • population
  • labor shortage
  • freedom


We talked a little today about getting ready to read The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights.

A few things we discussed were feudalism, chivalry, and courtly love.

Feudalism was the caste system or hierarchy that the Normans introduced, with the king on top and the serf on the bottom. In class, we talked about the feudal society on Klein ISD and the feudal burden that each person.

You are my vassal; I am Mrs. Ekster’s vassal; Ekster is Dr. Cain’s vassal; Dr. Cain is the school board’s vassal.

We also talk about chivalry and courtly love.

From Wikipedia:

When examining medieval literature, chivalry can be classified into three basic but overlapping areas:

  1. Duties to countrymen and fellow Christians: this contains virtues such as mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak and the poor, and in the servant-hood of the knight to his lord. This also brings with it the idea of being willing to give one’s life for another’s; whether he would be giving his life for a poor man or his lord.
  2. Duties to God: this would contain being faithful to God, protecting the innocent, being faithful to the church, being the champion of good against evil, being generous and obeying God above the feudal lord.
  3. Duties to women: this is probably the most familiar aspect of chivalry. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women.

These three areas obviously overlap quite frequently in chivalry, and are often indistinguishable.

Then, we did the anticipation guide in BB. It’s under Arthurian Legend. Print it to One Note, follow the instructions, and turn it in. In order to turn it in, you’ll need to PUBLISH the file as a single web page. Drop that off in BB so you can get credit.

Then, we read The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights – pages 7-12. You can easily read that on your own by reading it after school one day or checking out a book from me.

Happy reading!


Leaving Denmark and Beowulf’s funeral, we finally approached the coast of England. We hoisted our flags and were completely surprised that we were attacked – by French ships? French? What are French doing in our land? To figure that out, we have to do a little research.

Today, we started out doing Middle Aged Spiders. This is simply just a collection of graphic organizers based off of the Middle Ages history in BB.


Go to Canterbury Tales and download Middle Ages Background for Spider.


Print it OneNote. Skim sections to look for the FOUR MOST IMPORTANT words from each section. Then, write down one short sentence explaining why it’s so important.


Honestly, I found it easiest to highlight the most important words as I read – it helped me when I was choosing words and writing about them.


During the last ten minutes, we talked about three extra credit opportunities that you have available to you: the Magna Carta, writing your own Magna Carta, and the French Scavenger Hunt. If you go to BB, you can see there is an extra credit spot. You can turn these in up until the day of the final exam.

I will not accept extra credit from people if you are missing any major work.


Remember – when you turn in assignments, you need to look at what the assignment is and then determine what UNIT it belongs it. If it is the Beowulf Persuasive Essay, then it goes in the Beowulf folder. You just have to be able to sort.

We started out the day doing brushstrokes with Be Verbs:

Painting with Action Verbs

How important is the use of action verbs?  Jon Franklin, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, says:

“Nothing is as critical as the use of action verbs.  This is absolutely—utterly, completely, with shrieking boldface and CAPITAL LETTERS—CENTRAL to good writing.”

Picture the following image in our mind:

“The road was on the left side of the barn.”

Notice how the image in your mind is a still photograph with no action.  Linking (or being) verbsam, is, are, was, were, been, being—freeze an image.  Now, watch what happens to the image when the verb is changed to an action verb:

 “The road curled around the left side of the barn.”

           The image literally moves in your mind like a motion picture.  This is the difference between being verbs and action verbs.  Often, this brush stroke is added during the process of revision.  A common problem that many writers have is the overuse of being verbs.  You should be able to eliminate between 50 and 70 percent of these verbs as you write.

Activity 5—Action Verbs

Imagine that you are the author of Treasure Island and below is your rough draft.  As you examine it, you realize that it is loaded with ineffective being verbs (is, was, were, are, and other forms of the verb be) that slow down the pace. Rewrite the draft eliminating as many of the being verbs as you can by replacing them with brush strokes of action verbs. For example, you can combine sentences like, “The dog sat under a tree. He was scratching his neck.” Simply eliminate the being verb and create a participle: “The dog sat under a tree, scratching his neck.”

Treasure Island Rough Draft with Being Verbs Added

I remember him as if it were yesterday. He was a tall, strong, heavy, nut-brown man.  What was noticeable was his jet black pigtail and his soiled blue coat.  He had a handspike.  His hands were rugged and scarred with black broken nails, and there was a cut across one cheek of a dirty, livid white.


Rewrite of the Rough Draft from Treasure Island

This is how we started the day. Then, we highlighted all the BE verbs in our MEMOIR (that’s our MEMORY essay, not the Persuasive Essay).

You can easily do this by going to Word going to FIND.

beverb1Make sure you click FIND NEXT. It will highlight in a light blue if you have any instances of that word (or symbol) that are in your paper like this:

beverb2Once you see it, highlight it in yellow.

beverb3Hit FIND next, and then highlight the next word!

Print this out. Write down the number of total BE verbs you have in the corner – you will edit HALF of what you have found. If you have twenty-one be verbs, then change ten of them.

SAVE YOUR PAPER WITH VERBS. This is what you will turn in for part of your major grade.

We spent the rest of the day revising BE verbs and then worked on the Persuasive Essay, which is due on Tuesday.

One thing that I am noticing is that people are not using their time wisely. People are complaining about the Persuasive Essay, but they didn’t do what they were supposed to do last week. Some people have worked on that pre-writing for OVER FOUR DAYS. Most of my students chose to ignore the instructions that I left while I had a sub last week, and that is going to hurt you as well.

If you are failing by progress reports next week, I have to call home. We are getting near the end, so if you are failing, you are at the point where you have to stay after and/or do homework. You are not going to be able make up all 9 weeks worth of assignments the last week of school. Seriously. Don’t do it.


All the late major grade items have been graded and are in Blackboard!

Today, we just wrote the Persuasive Essay. Here is my rubric (how I’m grading them)

rubricThis is the last day that we will work on this essay in class – it will be on Tuesday. That means that ZEROS will go in on Tuesday.

Make sure you are here – we will be “pimping” our memoirs out again to make sure they are ready to publish by Spring Break!


I’m back (and feeling much better than yesterday!).

Remember, I have been out because of surgery, so if you turned something in late, I  haven’t graded it yet. Grades will definitely be updated for Grade Check on Monday, but don’t freak out if your late work doesn’t get graded immediately.

Today, we finished the pre-writing for our persuasive paper.

I went and talked to each individual writer and helped find a focus for the LOGOS based on the thesis.

I have got to say that I was really super impressed with the way the 1st (other than Zach’s nap attempt) and 2nd worked today (I haven’t gotten to third block yet). You guys had GREAT thoughts and helped each other out. I got teacher goosebumps a few times.

The better you do with your pre-writing, the easier it will be to write your essay tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we are going to figure out a text structure to use (organization) and then write the essay.


Well, after all of my bravado on Tuesday about being so touch after surgery and not even needing pain medication, karma caught up with me on Wednesday. Yeah. I went home and stayed curled up on the sofa until  I went to bed at 8.

Mrs. Moore came in and sat with your guys – you were supposed to do an easy peasy worksheet over propaganda techniques and finish your pre-writing from Tuesday, most people just did the worksheet and called it a day.

So, if you were absent on Wednesday as well, just get he worksheet from me and well call it even.


We started out today by looking over thematic quotes (you can find these in BB in Beowulf>Persuasive Essay).

vfcsndfFrom there, we looked at the persuasive essay topics. YOU ONLY NEED TO CHOOSE ONE.

pessayFrom there, we wrote our thesis using a thesis generator: http://www.mpcfaculty.net/molly_may/thesis_generator.html

Don’t use complete sentences. Here is an example of an essay over twins:

thesisAnd then from there, it will generate three sample thesis sentences. You may need to “chop and screw” the sentence so that it makes sense.

thesis2From there, we copied and pasted the chosen thesis in the pre-writing (Good Rhetorical Devices worksheet). These establishes good ethos, pathos, and logos, which is how your essay will be graded.

We will be writing these essays tomorrow and they will be due on Friday!


I am having surgery today, so please make sure that you do all the assigned work.

The first thing that I want you to do is highlight your essay the way we did the Sister essay on Friday. This is to show you what and HOW you need to revise your essay for details.


You will turn this in the appropriate drop box in Blackboard under Memoir.

Then, you will REVISE your essay to make sure that you HAVE all of those details throughout the essay.

Remember all of the details that we added to the sentence on Friday? You are going to have a LOT more than that because you actually experienced your memoir!


Look at all of those details that you can add in just for that ONE singular sentence. We wrote more here than some people wrote in their entire “essay.”

If your essay looks like this, then you probably need to rewrite rather than revise.

single wheel

Revising/rewriting should be your main focus for today. If you need to REWRITE rather than revise, use the text structures to help you figure out your organization. It can also help you add detail.

The salmon, blue, and yellow will probably be the most helpful (we aren’t write a persuasive text structure yet).

Training Wheels 1 Training Wheels 2 Training Wheels 3Lastly, do the persuasive packet that I left. Easy peasy!

See you tomorrow!