
Today, we watched an epic rap battle between Dr. Seuss and Shakespeare. This was similar to the “battle” between Beowulf and Unferth. When rappers today have “beef” and battle it out in their music, this comes from the Anglo-Saxon tradition of flyting. Seriously. Check it out on Wikipedia!

We read Unferth’s challenge and watched Strindberg and Helium cartoons. You can watch these cartoons in BB – under the Foil Folder in Beowulf. Helium is Stringberg’s foil – he is so happy and cheerful that he makes Strindberg seem even more depressed.

Instructions for the Foil Flip Doll:

Cut the dude and the two bibs out.

Put the main character on the front flap and write a really good description of him or her.

Do the same with the second character.

On the last flap, put a definition of  foil and explain why these two are foils.

____ is so ____ that he makes ___ seem even more ___.

We have a sub tomorrow, so make sure that you have your house foldable and your Foil Flip Doll. If you weren’t here today and need help, please get with a reputable student who can explain the assignment. I tried to put all dolls and “bibs” in your folders so that you have all the material that you need.