3/4/2015 – A

A thermometer measures temperature – today, we will create a thermometer that measures morality.

Things that need to be included on the poster:
1. A Title
2. Thermometer with the ten main characters and Isaac Morris on the scale in order of the guilt that you have assigned.
3. An explanation of what each person’s crime was and a justification of *why* you placed it where you placed it (print and paste on the poster)
4. A definition of morality

I am going to be focusing on your sentence variety and embedded quotes. Make sure you have your OWN opinion included as well. Otherwise, what’s the purpose?

I gave you all a PowerPoint with how to vary your sentences and even gave you an example of how a student did it – with a little help from the Captain. 😉

Here are Daniel’s notes about the Knight from the Cheat Sheet:



He took that and came up with this for the chart:


NOTE: Here, you can see the beginnings of his opinion. THIS IS GOOD!

Lastly, he took both of those items and came up with this, focusing on his sentence structure and variety. He used the PowerPoint to help him when he got stuck. It has links that you can click on!


I put the paragraph in two formats for you: the first is just typed in Word, and the second is put in a text box. I personally find the text boxes easier to manage when making a poster, but creative design is up to you!

Remember, in the infamous words of the Bollato – before you can “frost and sprinkle”, you have to “bake the cake”.


Today was another day of editing. We are getting closer and closer to having a final copy, but some of you need to get caught up!

So far, we have done:

  • HIGHLIGHTING – you were supposed to highlight TALKING, THINKING, SEEING, DOING.11
  • REVISING for DETAILS – you were supposed to add talking, thinking, seeing, and doing to your paper and make sure you had at least 300 words.
  • BE verbs – you need to find all instances of BE verbs (make sure you include contractions), and write down how many instances appear in your paper and REPLACE 1/2 of them with action verbs

There are drop boxes for each of them.

Today, we worked on Introductions: you’ll need to write three different introductions. Look at the examples in BB. Turn in your three introductions to the Drop Box and choose the BEST one to use as your intro. If you want, you can use the other introductions in your essay if you find a place for them.

Lastly, we worked on sentence variety. In the folder, there are 11 sentence types. Make sure you have one of each sentence type in your essay. If you don’t REVISE a sentence so that you do. Drop this changed copy in BB.