9/1/15 – B

I gave you time to finish the PP from yesterday. Then weread To the Virgins to Make Much of Time.

If you want, ask me why I find this poem so offensive.

We also talked about peaking in high school. If you peak in high school, then the rest of your life will be pretty depressing.

We went To The Virgins Discussion board to answer four questions. The What Age is best is mandatory, but the other three are YOUR CHOICE. Make sure you that you have four completed so you can get full credit. If you do MORE than four questions, you are earn extra points!

If you had to remain a certain age for the rest of your life, which age would you choose and why? When doing so, you may want to consider what you want out of life. Do you want independence? A family? A well-paying job? Children? Retirement? Leisure? Each age has advantages and disadvantages, but your task is to identify the best and explain why you think that way.

Why do you think Herrick chose “rosebuds” rather than, say, tulip buds? Does it have anything to do with the fact that a rose has a thorn? Why doesn’t the speaker say anything about the rose’s thorn?

What does the sun have to do with carpe diem (“seize the day”)?

Does this poem make you want to go out and seize the day? If so, what about the speaker’s argument do you find convincing?

Do you think that the speaker of this poem is young or old? What lines make you think so?

Do people get married for the same reasons as they used to during Herrick’s time (the 1600s)?