
We read Sonnet 29 today – if you need help with understanding this even after we talked about it in class, go check it out on NoFearShakespeare.

Riley gave each of us a copy of the poem, a TP-CASTT paper, and four colored sheets.

Take the four colored sheets and stagger them about an inch apart thusly:


Then, fold the bottom over so that you have about eight 1-inch flaps.

Staple the top and then title the foldable Sonnet 29: TP-CASTT.

Cut out the TP-CASTT bits and glue them under the flap. When you look at the section for ATTITUDE, you should see both the bit that you pasted about attitude and the bottom flap with the title.

Pretty easy! All you have to do now is analyze the poem!

At the very end, cut out the poem and glue it on the back of the foldable.

Remember – LMS and Gradespeed will be down over the break. You will not have your school laptops. If you are going to work on your Extra Credit, go print the instructions and look at the example in LMS. For every fifty points you find, you can convert that to 10 points for a major grade. DO IT!