
I’m back today! Pretty much the same thing as yesterday, except that we are watching What Dreams May Come – a romantic movie that is based in part on Dante’s Inferno.

I know it starts out really depressing. I’m sure I’ll cry in every class. But it perks up, I PROMISE!

If you are done with Minos, you can watch the movie and do the extra credit questions. You can find those questions in Hell under What Dreams May Come. You’ll be able to answer some questions right away, but not all of them. You can earn up to ten points per question – up to 100 points! Granted, I’ll only give ten points per question for well thought out answers, but even if you only do a little work, you can still earn extra credit. 🙂

Here are my notes from the past few days:

Minos Project

This is what we have been working on since last week. You should know what you need to do, but if you are confused, go back on look at last Monday’s blog entry. If you are really confused about level and want my help, skip that level and I’ll help you on Thursday.

Helpful Links and Research Tips

Some helpful links:

  • A link that has been really helpful for me is TV Tropes. This is a webpage that takes devices, conventions, themes, or ideas that are used in pop culture.

First, go to the webpage and enter your search term in the top left hand corner. You will need to use BROAD terms, not specific.

tropes search

Then, you’ll get a few search result. Look at them and find the most general and broad one that fits your topic.

tropes results

When you get to the webpage, the examples will be further down the list. You’ll have options to choose from: television shows, real life, musicals, movies, comic books, manga/anime. MAKE SURE YOU DON’T PLAGIARIZE FROM THIS RESOURCE.

  • If you need to look up a character’s name (from a movie or tv show), look up the show in Wikipedia since you are blocked from IMDB.
  • Some search terms that might help you:
    • example of…
    • modern day…
    • cartoon character who are…
    • list of…
    • celebrities who are…
    • Choosing good search terms is essential when researching online. If you choose something that is too specific or too broad, you won’t find what you are looking for. If you are stuck, try changing your search terms. For example, you won’t find examples of “virtuous pagan” (It’ll just send you to summaries of Limbo), but if you good “good pre-Christian”, list of pre-Christians”, or even “cartoon characters who are cavement.”
  • 2013 Films, 2012 Films, 2011 Films, 2010 films, 2009 films, (you can search for any year by replacing the year you WANT in the link), list of Disney movies, or a list of cartoons.

I am going to repeat these helpful hints each day for the rest of this week. I hope that at least one person finds them useful.