
Do you know what a hooptie is? Well, you do now! Riley must have watched one too many episodes of Pimp My Ride, because she is telling us that we are going to Pimp our Papers!

Remember on Friday she told us to take our paragraph “nuggets” and put them all into one word document in order? Well, that’s our paper! It’s ok. It probabaly doesn’t look like much of a paper right now, but we are going to turn this Pinto into a Cadillac!

Today, we pimped it out by looking at our organization, our thesis sentence, and lastly, our rhetorical strategies.

Make sure that you are TRACKING YOUR CHANGES in WORD. Riley will be looking at your tracked changes on Friday. There is a DROP BOX JUST FOR TRACKED CHANGES.

Remember – she expects everyone to start out with a hooptie and then turn it into a Cadillac. The tracked changes SHOW that process, much like Pimp My Ride shows the PROCESS of fixing the car up.