
So even though PBJ Time was a complete failure, we still have to know the material. So, I taught you the pictures that I drew for PBJ Time. I explained what each picture meant, and even acted a few things out. Apparently after today, I was trending on Twitter. :p

riley pbj review

So hereĀ are my index cards! These pictures, along with the audio explanation of the drawings, can be found in Blackboard! One thing that I added this year was a drawing of a bottle of Scope, to represent the bards or scops. Since they told the stories orally, I explained that the mouthwash was there to remind them of that. Also Scope looks like scop, so hopefully that will be a reminder if scop is used on the test instead of bard.

Afterwards, we worked on our Epic Dudes.

epic dude notes

On Monday, there will be an altered schedule (no first period! no late arrival!) because of computer roll out.

Have a great weekend, and thanks for making the move to Klein Oak so easy!