
Thursday! Thursday! Thursday!

Today, we finished the Action Figure and then wrote the commercial.

Depending on how students work today, we may have a “work day” tomorrow. If you have had me before, you know how rare this is. I’m only doing this because we are still a little out of whack from testing last week.

Here are a few pictures of what some students have been working on:



Argh! Students, why you no read the directions on the assignments I give you?

Today, we worked on three things:

  • Action Figure Set Up
  • Action Figure
  • Action Figure Commercial

Remember – the DIRECTIONS are in the document I gave you. If you lost that document, look in LMS in the Author Research Folder and click on the Cherries.



















I’ve given you a lot of examples to look at here – these are REAL action figures you can buy!

Super cool, huh?

I think I need the Anne Bonney and Blackbeard action figures!

I also gave you guys a really cool foldable template to create an action figure box.

Decorate it first, because if you cut and fold it first, you won’t be able to write on it. Here is an example of what Victoria did today:


Here is a picture of what the box will look like – just imagine a paper doll in place of the glue stick. 🙂


Welp, we worked on the Stray Thoughts Set Up (pre-writing) and the Stray Thoughts activity. I sure hope you didn’t miss it!

Some notes:

  • Think of “private” life as “personal” life
  • When doing the thought bubbles, try and turn them in to funny thoughts rather than just regurgitated facts that you found
  • You can do the set up in any format you want – Word, PP, etc
  • If you are going to create your Stray Thoughts on the computer, I heartily suggest PowerPoint. You can edit pictures more easily than in Word, and insert (and edit) thought bubbles.
  • If you use other webpages for information, make sure that you save them for the Works Cited page

Each day when we work on a rough draft document (like today), I will take the items as a completion grade. I will leave notes in LMS that I expect you to read. If you need to edit or revise it any way, I’ll make those suggestions in LMS. When I grade the COMPLETE project on 5/10, that’s when I will grade the project for content. Just because you 10/10 on the rough draft items, do not assume that you will get full credit for the final project.

If you turn the items in late, I will give you 5/10 points.

Good luck! If you need help, let me know!