
We finished The 13th Warrior today and with our partner, answered the Focus Question. I was really surprised at how thoughtful you guys were, especially when you participated and made comments to help people out. I was worried that perhaps I needed to give “busy work” questions for the next time, but you guys eliminated any fears I had. 🙂

At the end of class, I also showed you three little “Legowulf” movies.

Please, please, please make sure that your rough draft of your memoir is typed for Friday. You won’t be able to Pimp your Write if it’s not typed!

Jesus’ Foil Doll was so awesome that I had to take a picture and post it to my personal Facebook!



Since we finished reading Beowulf yesterday, today, we started watching The 13th Warrior, a moved that is based on Beowulf.

We got with a partner and chose a FOCUS QUESTION – this is what you will be presenting tomorrow for a grade.

Also, today after school, I am going to get a few pizzas for people who stay after to turn late work in.

Hope you guys enjoy the movie – it’s my favorite Beowulf movie out there!