
This is our last class day to research! The research will be due tomorrow, but we won’t have class time for it. Instead, we will be creating accounts on Piktochart and I will show you the different templates and what I am looking for with the infographic.

If you turned your research in early, the early bird special was legitimate and specific feedback rather than just a numeric grade. That’s why I have kept today as a “tweaking” day – to give you time to adjust your research based on comments.

I’ll talk about the infographic tomorrow! 🙂


Today we took our test over Othello! When you are done, I encouraged you to work on your project. I am putting “placer” grades in Blackboard. They aren’t affecting your average, but you can see if they have been turned in and what your grade is. If you don’t like your grade, go fix it! That’s a huge benefit of turning it in early!

Here are the dates for the Early Bird Special:

  • 2/7 Foil Flip Doll
  • 2/9 Metaphorical Analysis
  • 2/10 Theme Layer
  • 2/10 Pie Chart
  • 2/13 Reflection Questions