
Today we read levels 5,6, and 7! If you missed today, please, please, PLEASE make sure that you talk with me about the details of the reading. If you don’t, you’ll end up misinterpreting the story.

We moved from incontinence to violence today, and so the sins and the punishments are getting worse.

Here are the links that we used today in class:

  • Heretic
  • Blasphemy
  • Piss Christ
  • Western Sky Commercial:
  • The infamous Western Sky commercial that plays during the day on various television channels. If you receive a $5000 loan, you pay 84 monthly payments of $486.58, the total amounting to $40,872 (116.73% APR). If you receive a $10,000 loan, you’ll be paying 84 monthly payments of $743.49, and $62,453 in total (89.68% APR).
  • Western Sky Webpage

I’ve had to change my plans this week because of the field trip tomorrow, so instead of reading level 8, we will work on the Minos Project and read about 8 and 9 on Friday. We will still have all of next week to work on Minos, so please don’t freak out thinking that it’s due THIS Friday.


Today, we studied Level 2, 3, and 4 in Dante’s Inferno.

We talked about about that just because a soul might be in Hell with a friend or lover, that doesn’t mean they get any comfort from it. I told you about the time when my husband and I were both food poisoned, and we didn’t think about the other person at all while we were feeling so horrible.

We also read about Minos, the monster whom the Minos Project is named after: the judge of Hell.

After we read (and did the questions), we worked on The Minos Project.


Today, we started Dante’s Inferno. This will take us the next two weeks and we will be doing a major grade called the Minos Project along with it. We are using The Virtual Tour of Hell, so we aren’t reading the poem directly.

As we read, we are answering the reading guide questions. Please do this, because this will help keep you from plagiarizing from the website when you do the Minos Project.

We talked about how Dante’s was an “old-school” Catholic, and that this story is his own design. It’s an allegory,  so this story is meant to be symbolic – a scared straight story to get people to act how Dante thinks they should act.

If you missed today, make sure you read the Dark Wood of Error and Limbo and get those questions. If you still don’t understand what is going on, talk to me after class and I’ll get you straightened out. 🙂

We also talked about the project today. Make sure that you use the template that I provided for you in Blackboard. It’s there for a reason.

Make sure you don’t plagiarize. You won’t be able to pass if you copy from the webpage. Look at the student examples for assistance.

Remember – if you need help finding a person for a certain level, don’t be afraid to ask me for a person. If I give you a person, and you USE that person, it will only deduct (two) points off of your final grade of 150 points. Even if I were to give you every single person to use, you could still pass the assignment!

Try to think of creative examples that no one else is using!


Welcome to Hell! Well, not really, But we are working with Dante’s Inferno this week and next week.

Today, we we introduced to the topic and we talked about Dante the author and Dante the character. While we read, we answered study guide questions. The reason we are doing these questions is so when we work on our project, we won’t be tempted to plagiarize (accidentally or intentionally).

Today, we got through The Dark Wood, Limbo, Lustful, and the Gluttonous.



Probablly the coolest thing that happened today was when I was explaining the Harrowing of Hell, Ms. Dunlap came to get Tanner for an early release. Perfect timing! Ms. Dunlap had no idea why we were taking a picture of her, but she was really happy to oblige.

We also talked about the project today. Make sure that you use the template that I provided for you in LMS. It’s there for a reason.

Make sure you don’t plagiarize. You won’t be able to pass if you copy from the webpage. Look at the student examples for assistance.

Remember – if you need help finding a person for a certain level, don’t be afraid to ask me for a person. If I give you a person, and you USE that person, it will only deduct (two) points off of your final grade of 150 points. Even if I were to give you every single person to use, you could still pass the assignment!

Try to think of creative examples that no one else is using!


Today, we wandered through Level 8 of the Inferno.

Riley discussed the next few weeks with us:

  • Friday the 18th is the deadline for students who are clapping out. If you are not passing by this time, you will not clap out. We will still do work after this date. This is not the end of the semester. This is just a deadline for a clap out video.
  • Wednesday the 23rd is the Reading Final. It is also the day when laptops will be collected. Move all of your work to your N:Drive before this date so you will be able to access your work.
  • Thursday the 24th is Senior Finals for 2nd and 3rd Block. I do not have the schedule for this yet. As soon as I know, you will know. Check my board.
  • Friday the 25th is clap out. No finals today. IF YOU ARE TAKING MY BLOCK 1 FINAL on Tuesday the 29th, DO NOT SKIP THE FINAL. Clap out is NOT Graduation. You have not earned credit for the class until after the final.
  • Tuesday the 29th – All students will take Block 1 Finals. 1/2 day
  • Wednesday the 30th – Block 2 Final
  • Thursday the 31st – Block 3 Final


Today, we went through levels 6 and 7 of the Inferno.

Make sure that you understand what “Violence Against God, Art, and Nature” means. Art is not art like Mrs. Walton, and nature does not mean George Washington will be in this level for chopping down a cherry tree.

If you need to define “heretic” for level 6, then use the internet to figure that word out. You can do it!