
It’s Term 4! That means we have ten weeks of school left before we get our for the summer holidays! Hooray!

We did a group activity called Creative Coloring and then wrote a response to it. If you weren’t here, go to First Day activities and then Creative Coloring Response and the answer the questions as best as you can about group work in general, focusing on how attendance affects group work, maybe even giving a personal anecdote (story) about how you have been personally affected by it in class.

Then, we hopped over to Carpe Diem > Bucket List and did the 48 Hours e-mail.

48 hours email

You can just e-mail me a list with what you want to do. :)

Here’s my list:

  • Eat all of my favorite foods
  • Spend time with my family
  • Skype with loved ones who are not local
  • Write letters to my children for special events
  • Try to stay calm: meditate, acupuncture

Afterwards, We read the Top Five Regrets of the Dying and talked about hospice care and which regret you thought was the most meaningful. We ran out of time, so we’ll start tomorrow off with the Cubing Activity.

1/21/2015 – B

So we started out today talking about GRADES! Namely, that in order to get “A” on an assignment, I need to see some independent thought in your assignment or some kind of risk. I compare grades to coffee.

Then, the lesson today started out with a choice – which would you rather: knowing WHEN we would die or knowing HOW we’d die – without any ability to change future events.

Then, we answered the Deep Questions. I”ll be looking at your DEEP thoughts about this rather than complete sentences, so focus on that. This should take some time to complete, so if you get done in three minutes, you probably didn’t do it correctly.

Then, we watched the trailer for The Bucket List and I cried.

Today, we will be writing our OWN bucket lists, and I mentioned the most common item on my students’ lists is skydiving. So then I impressed everyone with this video – make sure you check out the super cool helmet (?) that I’m wearing and how goofy I look when I am actually jumping out of the plane.

We opened an account for BucketList and started adding events today. We are finishing tomorrow.