
For those of you who are at the Texas Rain-assance Festival today, have fun! The assignment today was exempted for you. 🙂 If you want want to do it for extra credit, you can.

For everyone else, we worked on the collage.

Carefully select images which represent specific aspects of carpe diem. You can use pictures from internet, magazines, or even draw your own! You can also use symbols, colors, and patterns to depict the theme. Your images and illustrations need to show that you understand the themes

Yes, your poster needs to be attractive – presentation counts!

This is what I will be grading:


III – 10/29/2012

Welcome to Term 2!

Remember, you can exempt your finals this term! You have to have an 80 average in your class and meet the following requirements:

  • Have no more than three absences in Term 2
  • Have recieved no more than five tardies in Term 2 (three tardies = 1 absence)
  • Have not been suspended or been OSS during the school year
  • Have maintained and conduuct grade of an “E”, “S”, or “N” for the term.

Today, we created character sheets – make sure you complete your nature, demeanor, Attributes, and your five R’s.

Lastly, we made the First Day collage. This is in the First Day folder – make sure you open the links in a NEW TAB. Also, make sure that your do either 4 rows and 3 columns, or 3 columns and 4 rows. Make sure you save this and send the saved file to LMS so I can print.

If you did these things, you just earned your first 20 points!