January 9th

I am so happy to back at school. No, really. I love having a routine!

We previously talked about existentialism when we read Rhinosceros in 1301, but we are going to look at it a bit more with The Metamorphosis.

We are creating a collaborative group document where each person will answer one question so that we can use this document on the quiz tomorrow.

When you are done, you may finish yesterday’s activity if you still need to do that.



Continuing the topic of technology, each class was paired up to brainstorm over unintended consequences of smart technology that exists today.

Possible technology included: 3D printers, touch tables, flying cars, military “iron man” suits, digital tattoos, self-driving cars, smart glasses, wireless electricity, Cicret bracelets, night vision contacts, Cubic, jetpacks, hoverboards, intelligent locks, Smart Things Hub, and sound cloaking devices. Because this is a collaborative assignment, you can see what other groups found out about the technology and look at it yourself – lots of people were really interested in digital tattoos.

Then, I gave you some flex time to work on the assignment from yesterday and any other assignments that you are missing while I showed you guys some VR technology!
