Grading Scale

Like a double mocha cappuccino with whipped cream and sprinkles, “A” work goes above and beyond expectations. It not only demonstrates an understanding of concepts discussed in class, but also takes risks and presents additional insights.


Like a really good cup of coffee, “B” demonstrates understanding of the concepts presented in class and shows thought and effort, but it doesn’t take any risks or offer fresh insight.


Like decaf, “C” work is solid, but doesn’t pack the punch of “A” or “B” work. It’s competent, but not dazzling.


Like the burnt dregs from a gas-station coffee pot, a “D” paper is there, but leaves a bad taste. “D” work just doesn’t hang together and probably shows lack of thought and effort.


As Ani Difranco says, “The coffee is just water dressed in brown.” While “F” is definitely better than zero, it is clearly not up to snuff. “F” work is the result of careless work and poor planning.


I don’t know who originally wrote this, but I’d love to be able to give credit to him or her. Can anyone help me attribute the author?