
So I graded the tests and first things first: #15 was kind of a flop question. I went back and looked at it and decided that that wasn’t a fair question, so I dropped it. Then I noticed that the matching section on the scan-tron really messed with people, especially in 2nd and 3rd period – before we realized what was going on. So, if you have an asterisk (*) in the grade book, that means the test hasn’t been entered yet, either because you were absent or because we have fix your bubbling.

Overall, I was pretty impressed with the scores. We will do reteach/retest next week, so check Enriching Students to see when and where you’ll be.

However, if you feel like your test score should have been higher, send me an e-mail and I will manually grade it. I have had a few students that had marks on the answer document that confused the printer and ended up getting higher grades than originally thought!

Today, we just finished The 13th Warrior and I was scrambling trying to get people to turn in missing work.

Have a great weekend – I know Autumn started on the 21st, but fall does’t officially start for me until the 2nd 6 Weeks! 🙂


Today we reviewed for the test tomorrow! Ms. Miller and I wandered around the room gathering late work, helping with the review games. A few notes – the first two items in the Beowulf Review folder were made SPECIFICALLY for this test. All of the other games are games that I created over the past ten years. This means there will be items in those games that I did not teach this year: literary foil, Unferth, pyre, lament, and a few other details.

I did warn people that I have been extremely lenient with accepting late work this 6 weeks because we’ve had a lot of issues to deal with, but I am not going to be this easy going with late work next grading period.