9/19/17 (Level)

Today is one of my favorite days: teaching the three literary elements from Beowulf!

First, we talked about alliteration. The bards used alliteration when telling their stories to help with memory: it was a mnemonic device.

We started out by doing a word search – I put you in partners and gave you a picture from the book Animalia. If you had the letter A, you and your buddy wrote down as many A letters down inside the letter that you could.

As you can see from this examples, all of the drawings in this picture start with the letter A. Afterwards, we wrote a ten word alliterative sentence. If you had C, you wrote ONE sentence that MAKES SENSE that has AT LEAST TEN (school appropriate) C WORDS.

Think of it this way: start out with a base sentence, like:

Ellen Eves entered the east entrance.

That’s only five E words, so I need to add more.

Think of an adjective for Ellen, like this:

Energetic Ellen Eves entered the east entrance.

Look at your verb. Think of an adverb that can describe HOW your verb happened.

Energetic Ellen Eves eagerly entered the east entrance.

Still short? Try adding adjectives such as colors and numbers.

Energetic Ellen Eves eagerly entered the east entrance eight times.

Energetic Ellen Eves, when she was only eighteen, eagerly entered the east entrance eight times.

Nine Words! This is  where I suggest going to the dictionary to find an E word that you can incorporate and using PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES.

Energetic Ellen Eves, when she was only eighteen, eagerly entered the east entrance eight times with an entourage after the examination.

Then, we listened to The Breaks and watched me dance crazily around the room. You kinda missed the show here, but I was demonstrating caesuras.

What you need to do with the file in Schoology, write is use the following four words around the word CAESURAS in the four corners: pause, suspense, comma, break.

On the next slide, write a definition for caesuras using those four words. Ask a crew member for help if you need it. :)

Then, we worked on kennings. A kenning is pretty much just a compound nickname. The Anglo-Saxons used them, so to understand the bards, we need a little nickname practice. Go to Schoology > Beowulf > Before We Read and find the kenning assignment. If you look at Kennings slide show, you’ll see memes that other people did about animals and musical instruments. Note they focus on what the animal LOOKS like or DOES. The also don’t rename the name of the animal. For example, it’s not a TRASH RACCOON because it IS a raccoon!

trash panda

MAKE sure that you are using a COMPOUND NICKNAME. You have to replace “Look at that raccoon”with “Look at that TRASH PANDA“.

I will take the Memeing Kennings activity as a grade.


Everything we did today can be found in BB under Beowulf >Literary Elements. We did three assignments today: alliteration sentence, caesuras magnet card, and kennings.

We started out by doing a word search – Riley gave us a picture from the book Animalia and a sheet with  a letter on it. If you have the letter A, write as many A letters down inside the letter that you can.

So, you can see from this picture that there are a whole bunch of A’s in here. Write them down inside your letter.

So, if you were absent and need a letter, choose one of the following:

Or you can choose this one:

To go get the letter, go to BB>Beowulf>Literary Terms> Drop Box: Alliterative sentence to find the PDF file of either C or P. Print it out and start writing down words!

When you are done with that, you will then a ten word alliterative sentence. If you have C, you are going to write ONE sentence that MAKES SENSE that has AT LEAST TEN (school appropriate) C WORDS. If you have P, you are going to write ONE sentence that MAKES SENSE that has AT LEAST TEN (school appropriate) P WORDS. Write this sentence around your letter.

Think of it this way: start out with a base sentence, like:

Ellen Eves entered the east entrance.

That’s only five E words, so I need to add more.

Think of and adjective for Ellen, like this:

Energetic Ellen Eves entered the east entrance.

Look at your VERB. Think of an adverb that can describe it.

Energetic Ellen Eves eagerly entered the east entrance.

Still short? Try adding adjectives such as colors and numbers.

Energetic Ellen Eves eagerly entered the east entrance eight times.

Energetic Ellen Eves, when she was only eighteen, eagerly entered the east entrance eight times.

Nine Words! This is  where I suggest going to the dictionary to find an E word that you can incorporate and using PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES.

Energetic Ellen Eves, when she was only eighteen, eagerly entered the east entrance eight times with an entourage after the examination.

Then, we listened to The Breaks and watched Riley dance crazily around the room. You kinda missed the show here, but she was demonstrating caesuras.

What you need to do is on an index card, write caesuras on the front, and then write the following four words around it in the four corners: pause, suspense, comma, break.

On the back of the card, write a definition for caesuras using those four words. Ask a crew member for help if you need it. :)

Then, we worked on kennings. A kenning is pretty much just a fancy nickname. The Anglo-Saxons used them, so to understand the bards, we need a little nickname practice. Go to the Beowulf vocabulary folder in BB and find The Kennings and Memes assignment. If you look at Animal Kennings powerpoint, you’ll see memes that other people did about animals. Note they focus on what the animal LOOKS like or DOES.



trash panda

MAKE sure that you are using a COMPOUND NICKNAME. You have to be to replace “Look at that raccoon” with “Look at that TRASH PANDA“.

Also, remember that Ms. Gras is completely terrified of mice! >:)