
It’s the last assignment of the term! Woot!

It’s pretty simmple – Riley is letting the crew use all foldables on the final exam – AS LONG AS THEY ARE IN THE DROP BOX AND PRINTED. You can’t just borrow/copy other people’s foldables.

If you show up to class with a foldable and have a zero in the gradebook, you won’t be able to use it.

The ABC Book is an easy foldable that is reviewing everthing that we have done in class so far.

We are using PowerPoint and for each letter of the alpabet, we are going to create a slide. For each letter, I need a word (title), an image, and three facts about that word. You can use words, sentences, or phrases. Try to find significant and/or important facts that you will be able to use on the final exam.

So, as you can see here, The title is “B is for Beowulf”, the clip art is of a dragon, and there are three facts. Ignore the “Black Plague” bullet – that was just an example of another B title that could have been used.

When you get this done, drop it off in the drop box and Riley will print it in color. It will look like this:

You will then cut and tape the slides together. Fold them so that you havea n accordion book that looks liek this, only longer:

All late work has to be turned in on Wednesday! The drop boxes will be closed on Wednesday at 4:00.