
We went to level 7 today. This is where the levels start to get more complication, because Dante just doesn’t have ONE type of sinner for each level: there are THREE types of sinners in the Violence (actually, 6, but he lumps three together).

We talked about the centaurs in level 7.1: I always had the idea of sweet centaurs thanks to Disney’s Fantasia, but in Greek mythology, they were really, REALLY violent.


In Level 7.2, we talked about violence against SELF.

And in Level 7.3, we talked about BLASPHEMY, USURY, and HUMAN NATURE.

Blasphemy is insulting God or religious items. We talked about Piss Christ and how it’s blasphemous.

Then, we talked about USURY, and how it’s overcharging interest. We watched a few Western Sky commercials.

western sky2

Here is a picture of their rates:

wesstern skuIn first block, we figured out that the Western Sky phone number went to Cash Call:

cash callIn fact, I had a few students who actually called to inquire about the rates of their loans. And of course, I can’t get my phone to work right now, but I have a few pictures of Ahmed and Chris talking to them on the phone. Ahmed made it through the entire phone call, but Chris got rudely forwarded to some random person’s voice mail.