

Happy Mardi Gras! Joyous Mardi Gras? Have a calm, relaxed Mardi Gras? I don’t know, I jsut know I got to wear jeans today! Whoo hoo!

Just take a look at this good looking float right here:

20140304_142702[1]That’s a bit blurry. Let’s check it out in detail.

20140304_142837[1]Yeah. That’s one good looking float.

So, this is our schedule for the next few days. Remember – we only have 11 days until we start taking finals. 11 class days! If you are still failing, you need to make sure that you get it together – we don’t have time for you to be rushing around doing late work at the end.

20140304_142537[1]If you are going to the museum over Spring Break, I have coupons for you! We just need to put my name on the coupon so they know you are with me. 🙂

Today, we started the Wacky King Arthur Research Project. Just have to do 150 points of activitites, but you can do as much as 200 points. Just go to the correct folder in KA and you can read about each individual project.

I got all assignments from this nifty little book right here:

20140304_140121[1]So yes, you will have to do some RESEARCH for this. You can’t base all of your facts off of the material that we read in class. Use Shmoop to help you out. You can use other sites, just make sure that you are looking up Le’ Morte D’Arthur so you don’t get other stories.

If you are doing the Action Figure, I have examples from past projects for you to look at and I have boxes that you can decorate and fold.


20140304_140228[1]If you are doing the Trading Cards, you can look at my People Cards as examples. 🙂


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