
I love teaching Paradise Lost because while we are reading poems about Hell, I can tell you guys to open up your computers and “go to Hell!” I know, I only entertain myself, but at least I have fun!

riley devil

Get ready for the hardest thing you’ll ever read. Worse than Shakespeare! Harder than a stereo manual! Even more difficult than trying to file your taxes! It’s John Milton and Paradise Lost! Why? Because Riley thinks you guys are up for the challenge! By reading this, you’ll counted among the smartest people in the world!

Make sure that you get the notes from the background information from a classmate for the John Milton background and the first 75 lines.

Words to remember: free will, pride, invocation, topic statement, epic, Adam and Eve, inversion, run ons, sects

If God is all powerful and all good, how is it that evil exists?