History Quotes

“Professor Johnston often said that if you didn’t know history, you didn’t know anything.  You were a leaf that didn’t know it was part of a tree.”  Michael Crichton, Timeline

“Historians of literature like to regard a century as a series of ten faces, each grimacing in a different way.”  Richard Ellman

“Man is an historical animal, with a deep sense of his own past; and if he cannot integrate the past by a history explicit and true, he will integrate it by a history implicit and false.” Geoffrey Barraclough, History in a Changing World

“God cannot alter the past, though historians can.”  Samuel Butler, “Prose Observations”

After talking with your group about what you thought that quote meant, write down your thoughts about the quote in a comment.

Do you agree with the quote? Disagree? Did your group give you any new meaning to the quote? Were there any quotes that you didn’t understand?

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