1/7/15 – B

The very first thing that we did today was the 48 Hours e-mail.

48 hours email

You can just e-mail me a list with what you want to do. :)

Here’s my list:

  • Eat all of my favorite foods
  • Spend time with my family
  • Skype with loved ones who are not local
  • Write letters to my children for special events
  • Try to stay calm: meditate, acupuncture

Then, we read The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. We talked about hospice care and regret. We then cubed regret by answering these 6 questions:


We watched the trailer for The Buried Life and watched a TED talk. During the TED Talk, one of the speakers mentioned that he thinks death is a taboo subject, we we brainstormed ideas about that.

taboo death

Afterwards, we created an account on Bucket List. I won’t be able to access your account information, so remember your username and password, please!

Here is my account that you can look at. You can see that I have goals that I want to do, and things that I have done.

I want you to create a bucket list of things that YOU want to do before you die. Focus on meaningful things that you want to do, not just cool things. I know, it’s hard NOT to put those cool things on your list when you see them, but just think about things that you’d regret if you didn’t do them.