
Today we did some group work to create a espirit de corps. We created a guild flag, motto, and a few other things. Remember – we all have the same common goal: graduation on June 3rd!

I hope that this helps with communication, team work, a positive attitude. We are all in here for a few more months – let’s make it as fun as possible! 🙂

I really want to use Classcraft to its full extent this semester and I want to reward the guilds that work together well.

Perception is Paramount

par⋅a⋅mount/ˈpærəˌmaʊnt/ [par-uh-mount]
1.chief in importance or impact; supreme; preeminent: a point of paramount significance.

That is the meaning of the word paramount. The most important. Think of the top of a mountain. In the “real world”, perception is paramount. Let me explain.

Perception is how others view you. The perceptions that you give people will be how they treat you. For example, if you are in my classroom with your head down on your desk, you are giving me the perception that you are sleeping. I will then ask you to pick your head up. It doesn’t matter if you are sleeping  or not. What matters is that is the perception that you were giving.

Have you ever talked during a test about something completely innocent (and unrelated to the tested material), but got scolded for cheating? Why is that? Because you gave the teacher the perception that you were cheating.

Is this fair? Honestly, I don’t know. Probably not. But this is the reason why I write about this: if you know this, you can control how others view you. How powerful is that?!?

Open communication take alleviate or fix a lot of innocent problems. For example, if you have a migraine and just need to close your eyes for a moment to get a little relief, just let me know when we start class that you aren’t feeling 100% and you won’t give me the perception that you are sleeping if you rest your eyes for a moment.

Every day is a new start. Control the image that you are sending out to people, whether it be in person or on social media.