The Compass

“A rusty nail placed near a faithful compass, will sway it from the truth, and wreck the argosy.”
– Sir Walter Scott

On your character sheet, you have an area for your compass. In nautical terms, a compass is an instrument with a magnetic needle that points north to show direction. In our game, the Compass guides your technology use, specially cell phones, headphones, and other handheld devices.

Each time you are using technology inappropriately or without permission, you will lose a Compass point and will roll percentile to see if the Captain commandeers your technology for the day. Your difficulty will depend on how many Compass Points you have. For instance, if you have been caught twice and have eight Compass Points, you will need to roll below an 8- in order to keep your cell phone in class.

If you roll low enough, consider that your warning for the day and keep your technology put away. However, if you roll too high, Riley will hold onto your phone for the remainder of the class. She won’t keep it all day, or go through your phone, but she will hold on to it so it won’t be a distraction for you again.

Oh, no! This person rolled an 86, which means he/she failed the roll.

If you ever lose all of your compass points, you earn the flaw Commandeer Cell, which means that you will need to give your phone to Riley (or to Ekster) at the start of each class.

That means you have TEN WARNINGS before Riley goes “teacher” on you.

As long as you practice safe cell, you’ll be just fine. 🙂

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