Were you surprised?

I sure was! I think I mananaged to keep the secret from all of you crew members – I did tell the other captains (i.e. teachers) in a fit of excitement.

This is what happened:

I managed to get 30 tickets for School Days which will take place on November 2nd for us. I gave those tickets to Admiral Ekster. She was in charge of those tickets.

For the weekend tickets, I gave those to my students who earned an A or a B in my class. Many of those students went above and beyond the call of duty – staying late and doing extra credit.

This means that some crew members doubled up – some will be going Tuesday *and* were given a weekend ticket. Honestly, I don’t feel guilty about that. All of my students could have earned either an A or a B, especially with the extra credit assignment.

Turn your work in.
Do a good job on the assignment.
Don’t be absent.
Stay late/come in early when you don’t understand.
Take advantage of extra credit when you can.
Study for tests/final exams.

I don’t assign homework unless we don’t finish the assignment in class, so it can all be done at school.

I can’t make any promises that my A’s and B’s this term will be given any cool awards. In fact, no one knew last term that they were working towards tickets – they earned those grades on their own – because they WANTED the good grade.

In essence, if you were given a ticket – keep up the good work. I really want to get all A’s and B’s for this term. Oh, and I want all of you to exempt from my final exam. 🙂 That would be the best present EVER!

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